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Club Records for Members
Categories: Recurve Compound Longbow Barebow
Members Current Students
Indoor Round Records:
Round Score Archer Date Shot
Gents Recurve
FITA 18 579 Grant Womack 7th December 2004
FITA 25 563 Grant Womack 23rd January 2005
Bray I 279 Andrew Ash 8th March 2004
Stafford 612 Andrew McArthur 22nd March 2007
Portsmouth 589 Grant Womack 30th November 2004
Double Portsmouth 1165 Grant Womack 7th February 2005
Worcester 287 Dave Cox 12th December 2004
Ladies Recurve
FITA 18 332 Ruth Harrison 27th February 2005
FITA 25 466 Ruth Harrison 23rd January 2005
Combined FITA 713 Ruth Harrison 27th February 2005
Bray I 250 Georgina Porter 3rd March 2007
Portsmouth 558 Georgina Porter 27th January 2007
Gents Novice Recurve
FITA 18 474 Andrew McArthur 17th March 2006
FITA 25 500 Dave Amey 23rd January 2005
Bray I 200 Andrew McArthur 11th March 2006
Portsmouth 562 Grant Womack 25th September 2002
Ladies Novice Recurve
FITA 18 332 Ruth Harrison 27th February 2005
FITA 25 466 Ruth Harrison 23rd January 2005
Combined FITA 713 Ruth Harrison 27th February 2005
Bray I 210 Sarah Churchill 11th March 2006
Portsmouth 532 Georgina Porter 9th June 2006
Outdoor Round Records:
Round Score Archer Date Shot
Gents Recurve
Double FITA Gents 2499 Grant Womack 1st August 2004
FITA Gents 1262 Grant Womack 1st August 2004
90m 299 Grant Womack 10th July 2005
70m 324 Grant Womack 1st August 2004
50m 326 Grant Womack 1st August 2004
30m 337 Dave Cox 22nd June 2007
Long Metric Gents 604 Grant Womack 1st August 2004
Long Metric III 624 Dave Cox 5th April 2007
Short Metric I 596 Andrew McArthur 27th March 2007
Short Metric II 632 Dave Cox 27th March 2007
FITA 70M 636 Grant Womack 13th July 2005
FITA 900 805 Grant Womack 23rd September 2002
Half Metric III 610 Dave Cox 4th April 2007
York 1103 Grant Womack 6th June 2004
St George 752 Grant Womack 8th August 2002
Albion 844 Tom Duncan 19th June 2004
Windsor 862 Grant Womack 7th May 2005
Short Windsor 884 Dave Cox 22nd March 2006
New Western 676 Grant Womack 27th September 2002
Long Western 636 Grant Womack 12th June 2002
Short Western 764 Dave Cox 23rd March 2006
Long National 552 Grant Womack 2nd September 2002
National 560 Grant Womack 27th August 2002
Short National 568 Dave Cox 19th March 2006
Long Warwick 304 Andrew McArthur 30th March 2006
Warwick 358 Dave Cox 18th April 2007
Short Warwick 384 Dave Cox 3rd April 2007
Junior Warwick 408 Dave Cox 21st March 2006
American 754 Grant Womack 18th September 2002
Double FITA 70M 993 Andrew McArthur 17th April 2007
Ladies Recurve
FITA Ladies 1060 Georgina Porter 16th June 2007
Windsor 832 Georgina Porter 17th June 2006
Short Windsor 850 Georgina Porter 22nd March 2006
Gents Novice Recurve
FITA Gents 1163 Grant Womack 26th September 2002
FITA 70M 604 Grant Womack 19th September 2002
FITA 900 805 Grant Womack 23rd September 2002
York 977 Grant Womack 14th September 2002
St George 752 Grant Womack 8th August 2002
Albion 836 Grant Womack 12th August 2002
Windsor 803 Dave Amey 7th May 2005
New Western 676 Grant Womack 27th September 2002
Long Western 636 Grant Womack 12th June 2002
Long National 552 Grant Womack 2nd September 2002
National 560 Grant Womack 27th August 2002
Long Warwick 304 Andrew McArthur 30th March 2006
Warwick 348 Andrew McArthur 6th June 2006
American 754 Grant Womack 18th September 2002
Ladies Novice Recurve
Windsor 832 Georgina Porter 17th June 2006
Short Windsor 850 Georgina Porter 22nd March 2006

If a round isn't listed then no record has been claimed for that round.